A Horse's Whisper
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Wild Side
This is great. I'm living on the wild side... and guess what?! It's fun as hell. Here we go. wOOt!
Anyways, I got a new web page. I'll put the link in later. I don't have it off the top of my head at the moment.
Well, I'm gonna go. I got a webpage to build.
Friday, February 18, 2005
Pizza and Rum
Pizza and Rum, yes I know. Interesting title. If your one of my buds, you'll know the story behind that one.
Anyways, moving on. Today was great. I was on a natural High. It's awsome. Yes I know. short sentances. Too tired to actually write intelligent long ones.
You know. I don't really have much to say. We had early release, I got a rock n' roll cd, had pizza, easy gym and math class, and then there was band. Not bad, but coulda been better.
Well, I'm gonna go. I think dinners almost done.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Today wasn't the very best of days. I woke up late and didn't have as much time as normal to get ready. I did catch my bus, but I wasn't really happy. The morning wasn't that great, but I lived. My painting in art isn't going that great, but I'm trying. Acrylic paintings are not my gig, but hey. The rest of the connections classes were fine. I have to start researching for my research project. It's due next Friday. Research projects arn't really hard, their just a pain in the butt.
Anyways, lunch came next. Lunch was great. I went nuts. For some reason, being at the lunch table brings out the best and crazy side of me. I think it has to do with the people, but whatever it is, I'm not complaining. I am much happier when I'm there. It's like my escape from reality. It doesn't matter what's happened, or how our day's are going, we still crack up over stupid stuff.
After lunch came gym. It was bowling orientation and then we practiced bowling. Wasn't bad. I got a strike, so I was pretty proud of myself. Anyways, I had math class after that. I pretty much understand everything we're doing. It just takes time and concentration. Let's see. After that I had band class. It was okay. Nothing special.
I came home, and I almost fell asleep, but then the phone rang. So I woke up, and then Kitty stepped on me. She shows such love I know.
Well, It's survivor time, so I'm leaving.
Peace Out ya'll!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I'm watching Nemo right now. I'm about to fall asleep I'm sooo tired. It's only 8 o'clock too! Stupid sister just had to get in the shower right now and I was just wrapping up so I could go take mine and get to bed early. Now I have to wait.

I redesigned my page. If you've been here before, you'll be able to tell. What do you think? Leave me a comment or suggestion.

I'm goint to go now and bug my sis till she gets outta the bathroom.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Money Tree
Sigh. I need to find that money tree and shake it. I've spent waaay too much money this month. Oh well. Done and spent, nothing I can do about it now! lol.

The dance was last night. It was pretty fun. Danced until I had troubles standing on my own two feet, but hey.... I had fun. lol. After the dance, I came home, took a shower and then crashed. That was awsome.

Havn't done much today. Went to breakfast at Perkins, Sam's to get our glasses adjusted, and then Wal*Mart to get the things we needed. Well, I spose that is alot, but it doesn't feel like it. Now I'm here and I'm watching tv, surfing the net, and enjoying my last day of the weekend. I can't believe school starts tomorrow. I really don't want to go. I kind of like my new schedule, but the bad part is I rush constantly from place to place with no time inbetween. It sucks big time, but I'm finding ways to deal. I wish I could see more of my friends as well, but It's good enough I guess. Most of them I talk to at lunch, or after school, but there is the few I can't even talk to at all anymore. But... oh well. Nothing I can do.

Well, I'm done rambling for now!

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