A Horse's Whisper
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Regular Blah
Today went very well. All I had was my science exam, then lunch, and then... I left! Yahoo! My Grandma and Grandpa came and got me, and took me out to eat. Wendy's of course... Yummy! I came home and watched Seabiscuit, my favorite horse movie. I sat around being lazy. My new hiking boots did come. They're comphy and really nice. I like them. The best part is they are waterproof, which my barn boots are not. Definately not good for snow. I eventually logged online and had fun looking for horse pictures. I eventually found one, which is the one I posted here earlier.
Ahhh. The horsey world. The best place in the world. I mean, you'd think that just having great friends or something is all you need, but... WRONG! If you're a horse person, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. The way a horse just consumes your life can be a pain at times, but is totally worth it. When your out riding, it's enchanting. You feal like your in another world. Of course, I get that feeling just being in the barn. When your grooming, your bonding with your horse, which is what makes it special. Okay I know I'm nuts, but I actually like barn chores. After a while, they become methodical, so you can get lost in thought as you work. You don't even have to think about it.
I had better end my horse rant now, or you'll be here reading forever.

Trains > Horses.

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